A Voice For Ryan Renee
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Ryan has endured what no child should have too. The bullying has to stop but it is going to take strong parents & adults to stand up and say enough is enough. Please take a moment and sign Ryan's guestbook and let her know that you care by leaving her a word of encouragement.

If you would like to voice any other concern, my contact information is below.

Thank you all for your continual support!!!
Please feel free to contact me...

Shaun Jai-Clark
6725 Suitland Road - Suite 201
Suitland, MD 20746
"I will not respond to any more attacks on Ryan's behavior. This petition is not about children being children. It is about adults accepting the behaviors of children, not correcting the misbehavior, not communicating effectively with parents, and the lack of professionalism."

Shaun Jai-Clark
I have removed the "donations" page from this website because although we need help, I do not want people to lose focus on the real issues. This website was not created to exploit my daughter but to bring awareness to an organization that was not built to build up our children.

I am a wife, mother, and business owner and I am asking for help. Ryan still has a desire to cheer. We have less than three weeks to raise $1625.00 for her to continue her cheer career with another team that has proven to be about uplifting children. This website was created before Marlboro Cheer opened the door for Ryan to join there team. By no means is this an exploitation of a child. This is simply a parent asking for help so that Ryan does not have to quit doing something that she loves to do because of the professionalism and ethics within an organization.

If you find it in your heart to help Ryan, please do so. If not, I totally understand and I appreciate you taking a moment to read my daughter's story. We have to stop the injustice that many of our children are facing...

Please go to http://www.gofundme.com/RyansStory